买的一些课程配套资料都是 PDF 格式的,为了防止盗版都事先用的图片转成的 PDF,这样 PDF 里的内容既没法复制也没法搜索,在查找资料里的关键词的时候就很不方便,所以就想着把这些 PDF 转成可搜索的 PDF。找到了一款工具叫做 ocrmypdf,可以把 PDF 转成可搜索的 PDF,而且还支持中文,这里记录一下使用方法。详细使用文档可以参考官方文档 OCRmyPDF documentation


sudo apt install ocrmypdf


指定 OCR 的语言


sudo apt install tesseract-ocr-chi-sim


$ tesseract --list-langs
List of available languages (3):

注意参数 -l 后面的语言包名称是下划线,而不是短横线。

ocrmypdf -l chi_sim input.pdf output.pdf
$  ocrmypdf -l chi_sim  --redo-ocr  input.pdf output.pdf
Scanning contents: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 752/752 [00:14<00:00, 51.36page/s]
Start processing 24 pages concurrently
   33 redoing OCR                                                                                                                                                 
   26 [tesseract] lots of diacritics - possibly poor OCR                                                                                                          
   54 [tesseract] lots of diacritics - possibly poor OCR                                                                                                          
   88 [tesseract] lots of diacritics - possibly poor OCR                                                                                                          
  119 [tesseract] lots of diacritics - possibly poor OCR                                                                                                          
  203 [tesseract] lots of diacritics - possibly poor OCR                                                                                                          
  256 [tesseract] lots of diacritics - possibly poor OCR                                                                                                          
  265 [tesseract] lots of diacritics - possibly poor OCR                                                                                                          
  347 [tesseract] lots of diacritics - possibly poor OCR                                                                                                          
  376 [tesseract] lots of diacritics - possibly poor OCR                                                                                                          
  383 [tesseract] lots of diacritics - possibly poor OCR                                                                                                          
  386 [tesseract] lots of diacritics - possibly poor OCR                                                                                                          
  402 [tesseract] lots of diacritics - possibly poor OCR                                                                                                          
  404 [tesseract] lots of diacritics - possibly poor OCR                                                                                                          
  403 [tesseract] lots of diacritics - possibly poor OCR                                                                                                          
  412 [tesseract] lots of diacritics - possibly poor OCR                                                                                                          
  415 [tesseract] lots of diacritics - possibly poor OCR                                                                                                          
  410 [tesseract] lots of diacritics - possibly poor OCR                                                                                                          
  439 [tesseract] lots of diacritics - possibly poor OCR                                                                                                          
  519 [tesseract] lots of diacritics - possibly poor OCR                                                                                                          
  526 [tesseract] lots of diacritics - possibly poor OCR                                                                                                          
  587 [tesseract] lots of diacritics - possibly poor OCR                                                                                                          
  591 [tesseract] lots of diacritics - possibly poor OCR                                                                                                          
  595 [tesseract] lots of diacritics - possibly poor OCR                                                                                                          
  607 [tesseract] lots of diacritics - possibly poor OCR                                                                                                          
  644 [tesseract] lots of diacritics - possibly poor OCR                                                                                                          
  661 [tesseract] lots of diacritics - possibly poor OCR                                                                                                          
  682 [tesseract] lots of diacritics - possibly poor OCR                                                                                                          
  720 [tesseract] lots of diacritics - possibly poor OCR                                                                                                          
  742 [tesseract] lots of diacritics - possibly poor OCR                                                                                                          
OCR: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 752.0/752.0 [03:41<00:00,  3.40page/s]
Some input metadata could not be copied because it is not permitted in PDF/A. You may wish to examine the output PDF's XMP metadata.                              
PDF/A conversion: 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 752/752 [01:09<00:00, 10.80page/s]
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Output file is okay but is not PDF/A (seems to be No PDF/A metadata in XMP)
